Meth Addiction Treatment Will Ask You to Exercise; How Getting Fit in Treatment for Meth Addiction Will Help You
It’s no secret that a balanced, healthy life includes exercise. When people are abusing meth, they aren’t living a balanced, healthy life and they certainly aren’t exercising regularly. When you embark on your exciting recovery journey at a meth addiction treatment facility, the staff will assist you in taking back your life and returning to a functional, productive role in your home, job, and community. You will be well on the way to being well and stable.
One want a treatment for meth addiction program helps you is by asking you to participate in recreational and physical activities.
What Are the Benefits of Exercise?
Activities that promote fitness also:
- Keep you in good physical shape
- Decrease the chance that you will get heart disease or diabetes
- Increase the length of your life
- Increase the chances that you will be strong and capable in old age
- Help you control your body weight
- Improve your mood
- Increase your overall energy level
- Decrease stress
- Give you a health y outlet for negative feelings
How Specifically Does Exercise Benefit Me During Treatment for Meth Addiction?
Obviously, the general benefits are many, but there are also meth addiction treatment specific benefits to consider.
- Meth addiction erodes self-esteem and physically active addicts tend to have increased confidence during their recovery, in comparison to inactive ones.
- Life can feel unsatisfying when meth is first removes from it; getting into a regular exercise routine increases your life satisfaction.
- When you enter meth addiction treatment, it will be highly emotional. Exercise allows you to maintain control and gives you a safe space to exercise frustration and aggression.
What Sort of Exercise Can I Expect?
Every program will have different offerings, but the most common types of exercise in meth addiction treatment are:
- Yoga, which is gentle and easy for newly active recovering addicts
- Tai Chi, which can act as meditative movement
- Swimming, which is limited to rehabs with pools
Exercise and Treatment for Meth Addiction; Things to Consider Before Starting an Exercise Program in Meth Addiction Treatment
It would be unusual for you to receive an individual meth addiction treatment plan that did not include some form of regular exercise. Given the impact of meth on your physical and mental health, rehabs are anxious to involve you in any safe, enjoyable activity that can benefit all areas of your recovery, which exercise does.
It is important to keep in mind that most people aren’t exercising when they are abusing meth, so this may be the first time you have consciously attended to your fitness in a long, long time. Therefore, it is important that you keep a few things in mind when you begin your exercise program.
Ignore the Old Saying
We all know the adage “no pain, no gain.” That is the last thing you want to think when you are new to fitness. You don’t have to crawl through physical activity, but you do want to learn to listen to your body and to respond to the cues that it gives you.
You will likely have exercise options. Don’t narrow your focus and go for the one that is the most familiar. This is a time to try out different fitness types and to enjoy that process. Treatment for meth addiction is a wonderful time to give yourself some exploratory freedom.
Be Social
A big part of recovery is stepping out of isolation. Your meth addiction treatment facility will have you participate in a lot of group activities for that reason. Try continuing your socialization in your exercise routine. Don’t close yourself off.
Calm Down
If you are too enthusiastic from the get go, you may overexert yourself and injure yourself or drain your motivation. Then, you will feel less inclined to be active in treatment for meth addiction. Transition gently into a new activity, so you can remain enthusiastic.
The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate activity a week or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise. Try to work your way up to these goals and maintain them.
Treatment for Meth Addiction Is a Must, But What Are My Meth Addiction Treatment Options?
If you are interested in entering meth abuse treatment, you have been doing a little research. Maybe you asked people who you know have been to rehab. Maybe you have searched online. Maybe you have even been to meth addiction treatment in the past and need to find a new type of care in order to achieve positive treatment outcomes. The following discussion will acquaint you with the most common treatment solutions and cover some advantages and disadvantages of each.
General Practitioner
As your meth use greatly impacts your health and wellbeing, it is something worth talking to your doctor about. One of the great things about this approach is that they will already know about your medical history, so you won’t have to cover all of that information with a new person. However, as meth addiction has no approved medication for its treatment, the doctor can give you a general outline of behavioral changes to make, but they can’t provide much more.
Many people who are concerned by the stigma of addiction feel safest going to their doctor because it feels less embarrassing. Female alcoholics, for example, feel a great deal of shame about their condition and they overwhelmingly begin their recovery with a mental health professional or physician.
Outpatient Meth Addiction Treatment
This form of treatment asks that you attend regularly scheduled sessions at the treatment for meth addiction facility. The rest of your time is your own, which means you can continue working and/or caring for your family. However, you will constantly face temptation without any supervision, so you need to have the strength and support needed to continue to abstain.
Inpatient Meth Addiction Treatment
This form of treatment for meth addiction requires you to live at the facility for the entire duration of your treatment. You get taken out of your chaotic life and placed in a calm, peaceful setting that allows you to focus fully on treatment and recovery. Plus, there is no temptation. However, you do have to take time from your responsibilities and the cost is much higher than the other options.